Saturday 12 November 2016

Week five in our last term this year. 2017, Ngaio class.

As you know, Monday mornings are Show and Tell sharing and we had some really interesting things to look at this week.

Cooper brought his lego helicopter - it even has blocks of ice which drop out of its undercarriage. So cool!

Jeremy had made some superheroes at home.

Riley really enjoyed putting his tissue (clean) into Oliver's dump truck and watching it come out of the back end.

We have started a new reading programme and here you can see Maddie listening intently to Tyler reading his book  to her. Please also note the completed puzzles - the children wanted me to show you these.

Noah was solving a maths problem, showing five little gardens using materials.

Welcome to our class, Jeremy and Happy Birthday!

Maheedi has joined us from Sri Lanka, it is great to have her with us and thank you all for making her feel so welcome she has settled in beautifully.

Riley wrote his name for the first time ever, we were all SO happy with him.

One of the days this week I was working 1:1 with my children, exploring how much they know and Zak can now order numbers 1 to 10 (he spotted his error, don't worry!)

Great understanding from Mason too - he soon turned his 9 over once he read the numbers back to me.

Ashdyn and Mason have come SOOOO far with their letter and sound knowledge, well done boys!

Hey, Tyler, right first time, go you!

Oliver has completed his first sticks chart already what a great little helper and learner you are, Ollie.

We love writing with our whiteboards and helping each other in Ngaio.

Wednesday morning Discovery Time was dry! Out on the deck for dressing up.

We are also learning how to hurdle ready for Athletics sports on Monday.

Playing and learning together.

Loads of oral language here at Birchwood!

Oh, Jayden T. you look amazing!

Drinking water keeps our brains and bodies healthy.

Lolly frames.


Riley loves Leo, Leo loves Riley.

Dallas came on a visit - he is so excited to be nearly a schoolboy!

Oh Zak! Your second sticker chart! Off to Room 2 with you! (Actually he started his DrSeuss sticker chart - I always call them rom 2 ones as when a child gets to this number of stickers they are usually ready to leave me...:(   That's good though, isn't it??

On Friday afternoon we played a matching and odd one out game, the children were fascinated.

Kamryn is our certificate award winner this week - Physically Active, Principals Challenge, a big award for a very special girl who tackles challenges so well, persists, tries her best and may one day be a world class high jumper - you should see her, she is incredible!

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